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Cumin Oil ( Jeera)

Cumin Oil ( Jeera)

Regular price Rs. 600.00
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Jeera (cumin) oil's health benefits include its ability to aid in digestion, Gastric trouble, improve immunity help in piles, manage obesity, insomnia, respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, lactation, anemia, skin disorders, boils, and cancer. Jeera oil lowers Blood Sugar levels. Cumin Oil has a high pH level which neutralizes acidity quickly. This Low acidity improves your digestion and lowers cholesterol levels in the veins.


The Various Health Benefits of the Oilcure Cumin Oil include:

Digestion: Cumin(Jeera) oil is extremely good for digestion and related problems. The very aroma of cumin, which comes from an aromatic organic compound called Cumin aldehyde, the main component of its oil, activates the salivary glands in our mouth, which facilitates the primary digestion of food. Next is thymol, a compound present in cumin, which stimulates the glands that secrete acids, bile, and enzymes responsible for the complete digestion of the food in the stomach and the intestines. Cumin is also Carminative, which means that it relieves you from gas troubles and thereby improves digestion and appetite. Due to its healthy oils, magnesium, and sodium content, cumin promotes digestion and also gives relief for stomachaches when taken with hot water.

Gas/acidity/ hyperacidity /Gastritis: Cumin oil has strong carminative properties and effectively drives away gases from the intestines. It also prevents any further formation of gases. In simple words, cumin seed oil or Jeera oil is one of the best trusted natural ways to treat Gastric problems. It removes gas faster from the stomach.

Weight Loss / Obesity: Cumin seed oil ( Jeera Oil ), as suggested by a lot of clinical trials and research, helps control overweight problems. Jeera oil controls weight perfectly without disturbing any natural human body process. Simultaneously it corrects body mass index and waist circumference as well.
A research cum clinical trial performed by the Nutrition and Food Security Research Centre, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences suggests that cumin oil helps reduce weight faster and naturally. An article covering the benefits of Jeera was published by the noted medical institute of USA - NCBI, a link of which is given under :
Piles: The main cause behind piles (hemorrhoids) is constipation added to infections in the wound in the anal tract, which are also caused by constipation. Cumin, because of its dietary fiber content and carminative, stimulating, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, acts as a natural laxative in powdered form. These characteristics are due to the presence of healthy oils comprised mainly of Cumin aldehyde and certain pyrazines. Adding cumin to your diet also helps in healing infections or wounds in the digestive and excretory systems and speeds up digestion as well. That pretty much means that cumin clears up all of the symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids, so keep that in mind when you start itching!

Insomnia: This is a very peculiar property of cumin. It is a stimulant as well as a relaxant at the same time. This property cannot be attributed to a single component alone, just as causes of insomnia cannot be attributed to a single cause. However, studies show that the proper intake of vitamins (particularly B-complex) and good digestion help to induce sound sleep. Cumin helps in both of these factors. Some of the components of cumin healthy oil are hypnotic in nature and have tranquilizing effects, which also help to relieve stress and anxiety that commonly causes insomnia.

Respiratory Disorders, Asthma, Bronchitis: The presence of caffeine (the stimulating agent), and the richly aromatic healthy oils (the disinfectants) make cumin an ideal anti-congestive combination for those suffering from respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis. It acts as an expectorant, meaning that it loosens up the accumulated phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tracts and makes it easier to eliminate them from the system via sneezing or coughing up and spitting. By eliminating as much of the mucus and phlegm as possible, it can inhibit the formation of additional material and help to heal the initial condition that led to its formation in the first place.

Common Cold: The common cold is a viral infection that affects our body frequently when our immune system becomes weakened or vulnerable. Again, the healthy oils present in cumin act as disinfectants and help fight viral infections which can cause the common cold. Cumin also suppresses the development of coughing in the respiratory system since it dries up the excess mucus. Cumin is rich in iron and has a considerable amount of vitamin C, which is healthy for a healthy immune system and keeps infections from forming or becoming worse. Vitamin C is also a natural antioxidant, so it defends against other infections and toxins as well, further boosting the immune system.

Antiseptic and Anti-Fungal: The antiseptic properties of Cumin oil do not let the external and internal cuts and wounds become septic.
Regularise Menstruation cycle: Cumin oil can help maintain a regular menstruation cycle and can open obstructed menses. It also helps in recovering from Post Menopause Syndromes.

Anemia: As stated above, cumin is very rich in iron (more than 66 mg. in every 100 grams) which is more than 5 times the daily requirement of iron for an adult. This iron is the main constituent of hemoglobin in the red blood corpuscles of the blood. It is hemoglobin that transfers oxygen (as the oxide of iron) to the body’s cells and whose deficiency causes anemia. So, cumin can be a nutritious additive to the daily diet for anemic people and avoid the symptoms of anemia like fatigue, anxiety, cognitive malfunction, and digestive issues.

Concentration and Cognitive Malfunction: The amount of iron in cumin leads to increased hemoglobin production and subsequent prevention of anemia, but that increased blood flow has other benefits as well. When your blood circulation is in top form, adequate amounts of oxygen are able to reach the organs and the brain, leading to the optimal performance of those bodily systems. Proper amounts of oxygen and iron in the brain lead to increased cognitive performance and a decrease in cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. For other organs, increased oxygenation increases efficiency and speeds up the metabolism, which can boost your overall health, increase strength, and prevent signs of aging.

Skin Disorders: Almost everyone knows that vitamin E is good for the maintenance of skin and the prevention of premature aging symptoms. It keeps the skin young and glowing. This vitamin is also present in abundance in cumin. The healthy oils present in cumin have disinfectant and antifungal properties. This prevents any microbial and fungal infection from affecting the skin. Not all skin issues are disorders or infections, some of them are simply signs of aging. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant in this regard and combats the free radicals that attack the skin and result in signs of premature aging like wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin. This, combined with the antibacterial capacity of cumin, makes for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts far into your old age.

Boils: Boils are outlets for the removal of toxic substances and foreign matters such as microbes from the body. This means that they are symptoms that show that a high amount of toxic substances have accumulated in the body. In this way, cumin can help you a great deal. Those who regularly use cumin in food have a significant reduction in the occurrence of boils, rashes, pimples, and other signs of excess toxin content. Components such as cumin aldehyde, thymol, and phosphorus are good detoxifying agents that help in the regular removal of toxins from the body. The healthy way of removing toxins is through the excretory system, not through boils.

Immunity: As discussed above, an abundance of iron, and the presence of healthy oils, vitamin C, and vitamin-A in cumin boost our immune system in a number of ways. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants that we have in our body, and it also stimulates the function and activity of white blood cells. As an antioxidant, vitamin C fights the detrimental effects of free radicals, which are the dangerous by-products of cellular metabolism. They are constantly being created in the body, and therefore, must be constantly eliminated. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that lead to many diseases, including, but not limited to, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Cancer: Cumin itself has detoxifying and chemo-preventive properties, and accelerates the secretion of detoxifying and anti-carcinogenic enzymes from the glands, as it also does to other secretions. Furthermore, it has beneficial antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin-A within its chemical makeup, in addition to those healthy oils. Besides having countless other benefits, the antioxidants have anti-carcinogenic properties too, and those found in cumin are particularly good for colon cancer prevention.


For Gas and Digestion aid: Take 20-25 drops in 50 ml plain or hot water, drink after lunch and dinner or whenever you feel a heavy stomach / filled with gas. Continue for 2 months. Should discontinue after 60 days for 15-20 days. It can repeat again the same circle.

For Weight Loss / Obesity: Take half to one teaspoon of Cumin/jeera oil with one squeezed lemon juice in lukewarm water ( about 150 ml- a normal household glass), the early morning.

For General purposes and digestion: Take 20 drops with plain or hot water after lunch for 45 days only.

Caution: Jeera has the property to lower blood sugar levels, hence during or after the surgery it may interfere with blood sugar control. Should be avoided before and after 15 days of surgery. Diabetic patients must check sugar levels and seek a Doctor's advice to alter medicine dosage regularly.

Disclaimer: The products and the claims made about specific products on this website have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration department and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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