Nxtgen Ayurveda
Ashwagandha Powder
Ashwagandha Powder
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Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng is the spine of Ayurveda, too good in chronic diseases like arthritis, Insomnia, asthma, tuberculosis, backache, various tumors, cancers, anxiety, stress, menstrual problems, hiccups, and chronic liver diseases. It fights Alzheimer's Disease as well. Ashwagandha gives power and energy to the person from inside. Improves your muscle strength. Some studies by a Japanese Lab and IIT Delhi suggests Ashwagandha may be great candidate for many virus like corona virus COVID-19.
Ashwagandha is a herb which is capable to help curing may chronic diseases like arthritis, Insomnia, asthma, tuberculosis, backache, various tumors, cancers, anxiety, stress menstrual problems, Alzheimer, hiccups, and chronic liver diseases. We use ahwagandha roots to make this superior powder to charge your body with new power.
Nxtgen Ayurveda Ashwagandha Powder Health Benefits:
Controls Diabetes: Ashwagandha has shown results to control diabetes in Ayurvedic medicine. Research on the use of Ashwagandha in the treatment of diabetes indicated positive results. Experiments showed that blood sugar levels during fasting and post-lunch decreased significantly when Ashwagandha was consumed for a period of four weeks.
Anti-Depressant (Stress Remover): In India, Ashwagandha has been traditionally used in Ayurveda to improve both physical and mental health. The effects of Ashwagandha on mental health, particularly in depression, were studied at the Institute of Medical Sciences at Banaras Hindu University in India. The study supported the benefits of Ashwagandha in relation to anxiety and depression. This is why Ashwagandha is considered one of the finest stress buster natural health supplement.
Powerful Herbal Help for Alzheimer's Disease : Ashwagandha may be able to delay, prevent, and treat degenerative neurological disorders that cause loss of cognitive functioning like that found in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.This is good news, since human beings generally enjoy longer and longer lifespans worldwide and age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s are becoming more prevalent, and despite extensive research, treatment of this progressive disease is challenging. Conventional pharmaceutical drugs can cause unpleasant side effects (e.g., cramping, vomiting, and diarrhoea). Probably Ashwagandha is the best natural ayurvedic treatment for combating alzhimer's.
Heart health and lowers Cholesterol: Ashwagandha, with its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti stress properties, is good for cardiovascular health problems. It strengthens the heart muscles and can also control cholesterol. A study at the University of Arizona indicated that it possesses hypolipidemic properties bringing down blood cholesterol levels.
Anti-Carcinogenic Properties: A study has termed Ashwagandha as an emerging and novel alternative in the field of oncology because of its cancer killing properties, in association with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. It is also of interest because it is known to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy without interfering with the tumor cell-killing activity.
Helps in increase of height: HGH (Human Growth Hormones ) are responsible for height increase, primarily controlled by pituitary gland. Ashwagandha indirectly influences HGH, which helps in increasing height. In the transition age of 16-18 years, body needs more proteins and vitamins for these developments, Ashwagandha helps in doing so.
Protects the immune system: So many studies have concluded that Ashwagandha maintains a very healthy immune system. Ashwagandha is also used as an “adaptogen” to help the body cope with daily stress and as a general tonic.
Improves learning, memory, and reaction time : Recent research has shown that ashwagandha reduces memory impairment in animal models. The herb may also protect the brain from the oxidative stress that leads to neurodegeneration. Relaxation, a benefit derived from the herb’s stress-fighting effects, also improves long-term visual memory.
Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness, and treats insomnia : How does ashwagandha relax the body and mind? According to medical researchers, ashwagandha owes its relaxant properties to a group of alkaloids called, withanolides. Other constituents – including other alkaloids called sitoindosides, along with saponins and assorted minerals – may also play a role in producing a state of relaxation. Ashwagandha works as a depressant on the central nervous system, causing sensations of tranquility and relaxation – making sleep easier to achieve.
Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration : Ashwagandha helps in reducing brain-cell degeneration and delays the process of brain-cell degeneration.
Menopausal Support in Women: Ashwagandha acts on the endocrine system by encouraging hormone balance. A study involving 51 menopausal women supplementing with ashwagandha noted a significant reduction in symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, and mood.
Enhances sexual potency for both men and women: It has been widely believed for many centuries that Ashwagandha had aphrodisiac properties and people used it as a medication to improve vitality and fertility. A recent scientific study indicated that Ashwagandha plays an important role as an aphrodisiac medicine as well as a way to improve semen quality. It also reduces oxidative stress throughout the body. The Kama Sutra, one of the oldest surviving texts on human sexuality, mentions ashwagandha in its literature as a potent sexual stimulant. Research indicates that the herb supports sexual health and vitality by increasing blood flow and reducing bodily tension. Women taking ashwagandha typically experience an increase in sexual desire and satisfaction.
Ref : Scientific Study :
1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/
2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11194174
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3252722/
For Coronavirus:
A collaborative research study by DAILAB @ IIT Delhi and DAILAB @ AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Japan has recently discovered that Ashwagandha may hold an efficient anti-COVID-19 drug to combating Corona Virus.
In a research paper, just accepted for publication in the J Biomol Struct Dyn, the team has reported that natural compounds from Ashwagandha and propolis have the potential to be effective anti-COVID-19 drug candidates. The researchers targeted the main SARS-CoV-2’s enzyme for splitting proteins, known as the Main protease or Mpro that plays a key role in mediating viral replication. This is an attractive drug target for this virus, and as humans don’t naturally have this enzyme, compounds that target Mpro are likely to have low toxicity. They discovered that Withanone (Wi-N), a natural compound derived from Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE), an active ingredient of New Zealand propolis, have the potential to interact with and block the activity of Mpro. The team described that they have also searched for the capability to these bioactives to modulate the protein on the surface of human cells, to which the SARS-CoV-2 binds and allows its entry into our cell - the transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2), and selected Withanone. The study is currently under review and expected to be published in the near future.
The team said that their findings may not only connect to save time and cost required for screening for anti-COVID-19 drugs, but may also offer some preventive and therapeutic value for the management of fatal COVID-19 pandemic, and hence warrant prioritized validation in the laboratory and clinical tests. They added that the drug development may take a while and in the current scenario, these natural resources (Ashwagandha and Propolis) may offer some preventive or even therapeutic value. However, although they are easily available and affordable, one has to be cautious about the content of bioactive ingredients. CAPE, while is a major component of propolis, its amount and stability are critical factors that could be managed by generating its complex with cyclodextrins. This has been earlier described by the DAILAB team. Withanone, on the other hand, varies with geography/parts/size of the Ashwagandha plant. So, in order to acquire or appreciate particular effects, we must use the right and quality-controlled resource/extracts.
Link: https://home.iitd.ac.in/news-covidaswagandha.php#.XsN2jkOwum8.linkedin
Disclaimer: The products and the claims made about specific products on this website have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration department and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Recommended dosage: 1 Tsp. with water every evening.
It is always better to consult your doctor/ physician/ dietitian.
Caution: Avoid using any form of Ashwagandha, including the leaves, if you’re taking medications for your thyroid. It may increase or stimulate thyroid hormone production in the body. Combining Ashwagandha with already prescribed thyroid hormone pills may cause hormone surges, increasing the effects and potential side effects of specific thyroid hormones. Also avoid combining this supplement with any sedative medications, including antidepressants and sleep aids, such as Ambien, Valium, Ativan, or other forms of central nervous system depressants, as excessive sedation may occur.
It is rated LIKELY UNSAFE during pregnancy.
Ashwagandha should be used cautiously if you have low blood pressure or take medications for your blood pressure.

Authentic Ashwagandha powder. Go for it.
It is so good my wife uses regularly. I ordered both packagings. Go for it
Good quantity